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Terms of use


Terms of Use – www.mediangr.net

  1. Notice/Acceptance of Terms

The agreement contains the terms between the user and the www.mediangr.net which is the company. We present the latest job ads and tenders which also include the SMS Messages and poetry prices and all of the notices have also been provided on the site https://www.mediangr.net. The agreement administers the usage of the site and the behavior of any visitor on the site. The user is advised to read and agree with all of the content within this agreement. Only after that condition that the user has acknowledged the greater part of all of the terms and conditions that are written in the agreement, the company will furnish the user along with the access to the site. By using our site, which also includes without any constraint any of the items or the administration which have been offered by the site, the user gives consent to all the terms and conditions of the agreement.


All of the terms and conditions of the DISCLAIMER are of general, and they might be supplemented by other disclaimers, main rules or guidelines.

The shared information by the www.mediangr.net contains content about the employment and all the available opportunities which also includes the scholarships and any other kind of training which is relevant to helping the students and the candidates looking for a job.

All of the content shared on the site has been drafted by the editorial team for helping the people. The Mediangr.net Immigration Firm will not tolerate any site abuse or be spamming by any of the users and in case it is found the site will also block the account of that client.

Under any circumstances that the user encounters any deceptive substance then the user can reach us through our contact us page.

  1. Use of Mediangr.net Immigration Firm

Users are strictly prohibited from trying to utilize any of the deep links, robots and the scrapers of the pages which includes any kind of the mechanized programming strategies and gadgets as well, to duplicating, checking or getting to or regardless obtaining an area of Mediangr.net Immigration Firm Site or replicating the Contents in that our Mediangr.net Immigration Firm site, or in any situation to repeat or forge the site navigation or presentational body of the Mediangr.net Immigration Firm Site. Mediangr.net Immigration Firm has all the right to question any such kind of question.

  1. Links to Scholarship Fellow and RSS Feed Terms

No one is allowed by our site for inserting any intermediate pages or any splash into the links and the feed of the RSS of the site can also be allowed for use only on the site which shows the main links directly. There is also no allowance for redirection linking to the site feed and the benefit of any other link to the site is also not permitted. The team of the scholarship has the right for discontinuing the RSS feed at any time without having any notice on the platform. Any misleading feed display is also not held by the Mediangr.net Immigration Firm and they contain all rights to file a dispute, in case, required.

  1. Mediangr.net Immigration Firm is Free to use

The primary focus of the site is for providing the jobs, internships and also the guidelines to the students for having scholarships and giving them international opportunities for the internship. Our mission also focuses on the mentoring of the raw talent about the worldwide opportunities and we also provide the scholarship sponsored admission application samples and templates for free of cost to the young students.  Our site does not charge any cost to the new visitors for using any part of our site and our full site is totally free. Our site sometimes publishes educational services or some advertisements for the products, but we do not charge any payment from the users for buying any goods or services from ads. The advertisers giving ads for the scholarship schemes are liable for the payments which are collected by them on their own platform. Mediangr.net Immigration Firm board members do not allow any funds taken from any of the visitors to the site. The usage of the site is totally free.

  1. License

As per the Supplemental Agreement provided, our site gives the personal, limited and nontransferable license for displaying on the computer of the user for printing, downloading and using of the screen, audio clips and any other such features which are made available for the users on the site and all this is done under condition that the user will not modify it or create any derivative of it, under any circumstances. Without having the limitation, the generality of the preceding, the user may not perform the following tasks:

  • Any inclusion of the features in or with any kind of products or services which the user has made or distributed.
  • Any inclusion of those contents on any other site.
  • Reproduction or duplication, selling or renting any kind of commercial portion of the site and giving access to the site to someone else.
  • Establishment of the hyperlinks of any of the page of the site other than the home page of the site and also the creation of the frame which contains any portion of the site.
  • The user may also not direct any other person for doing any kind of the forging.
  • The user must agree that he or she will not access the site other than the commercial web browser.

The user is having the right for having the personal and limited license which is nontransferable for creating the hyperlink to the home page of the site on the following conditions:

  • The link or any web linking should not portray our site or any of our products or services in an offensive manner.
  • The connecting website of the user should comply with all of the regulatory laws and must not violate this agreement by any means.
  • The web site of the site should be reliable and it should maintain the privacy policy appropriately.
  • The user must not use any of our logos or trademarks without written permission from Mediangr.net Immigration Firm. Otherwise, our site has all the rights to revoke his or her license at any time to remove any such kind of hyperlinks.

Our site does not give the guarantee of the accuracy of the advertisement and columns which have been presented by the site and all of its services. Our site disclaims any warranty which also includes the implied warranty of the fitness of the merchant. Mediangr.net Immigration Firm highly disagrees with the verification of the service from their side that it will be free from all the errors, bias, and defects. Our site does not hold any responsibility regarding the quality and authentication of the material and information which are provided in the advertisement as the use of this site is done by accepting the terms and conditions given in the disclaimer or any other legal document. The user has agreed that if he or she is making any use of the advertisement or columns displayed on the site is purely at their own risk and we are not responsible for any damage and unfortunate things that happen.

  1. Violations of Terms of Service of Mediangr.net Immigration Firm

If any of the users try to violate our rules or any user try to use our name for the collection of any funds and for using the scholarship fellow names, then the Mediangr.net Immigration Firm has the right to file a dispute and sue the person legally. If any visitor uses any false and abusive comments on our site, then our support team will reserve all rights for terminating his or her account and block him permanently from our site.

  1. Modifications/Additions in our Terms:

Our term and conditions are totally up to date and amendments can be made with some additions or deletion of the rules with or without giving notice to our users.